"We haven’t discharged
any pollution
into the natural
for over
15 years now.

The terroir
A combined clay-limestone soil, with areas of deep solid earth, the subsoil of our terroir is irrigated by numerous natural springs originating from l’Escalette and joining the Lergue river. The old vines know how to make the most of it!
Not being affected by the lack of water, it gives plenty of flowery freshness to our wines. Because it’s on the surface, the scree from the Larzac (little chips of white limestone) plays an important role; it reflects the sun on our vines in the day and gives out heat at night, leading to a slow ripening of the grape.
Here, we have a real valley climate, half of the terroir being exposed to the rising sun and the other half to the setting sun. A permanent draught prevents the frost. Some plots are at an altitude of 400m, the limit for cultivating grapes and olives. All these elements generate a later maturity and harvest (10 to 15 days), than in the lower part of the department of the Hérault.


100% recycling
Since 1996, after collaborating on a study with the Agricultural Department (DDA), the Pegairolles winery stocks the whole of its waste water resulting from the transformation of raw material (the grape) into a delicious product (the wine). The waste water is filtered through a filtering basket then stocked in two tanks outside the winery. This water is then moved with a tanker lorry to an evaporation.


The grape residu
The skin and stems of the grape bunches (which remain after the harvest), are essentially made of water and amino acids, they are spread out on the ground and decompose naturally. The wine dregs, natural sediment in wine, is stocked away then sent with a tanker lorry to a distillery in order to make alcohol. The “marc”, made with grape skin and pips, is also sent to the distillery for the making of alcohol or natural fertilizer.


The packaging
The wine is packaged in recyclable glass bottles. Cardboard boxes are also recycled through collective sorting. The Pegairolles winery has not discharged pollution into its natural environment for over 15 years now.

webmaster : Eric Alain - www.euromedit.com - © sca des Vignerons de Pégairolles